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Mass Intentions: Week of October 13th

DayTimeIntentionRequested ByLiving or Deceased
Saturday5:00 p.m.Edmund and Theresa LeDonne
Jimmy Casey
Fr. Tim
Patty Wolff
Sunday9:00 a.m.For the ParishionersLiving
11:00 a.m.Owen KellyThe Scaglione FamilyDeceased
Monday8:00 a.m.No Mass
Tuesday8:00 a.m.The StaffLiving
Wednesday8:00 a.m.Carolyn DeVicoThe Nicol FamilyDeceased
Thursday8:00 a.m.Robert H. Barstow IIKathleen BarstowDeceased
Friday8:00 a.m.Francis M. Mallee III
Karen Healy Gottfried
Geri and Herb Shapiro
Fr. Tim
Saturday5:00 p.m.George Consavage
Rita Swierczewski
The Tighe Family
The Family
Sunday9:00 a.m.Theresa Hornby
Joseph Mortelliti
Jim and Linda Hornby
The LiMarzi Family
11:00 a.m.Jennie Magnotta (1st Anniversary)The Magnotta FamilyDeceased

Week of October 13th

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

The month of October is filled with many religious and civic holidays (as published in our bulletins). The Season of Fall is upon us. The days continue to shorten. The darkness is longer, and the daylight is shorter. The foliage begins to change color. The warm air yields to a crisp chill. The crops are harvested, and the bounty is distributed. When coming to and from the parish remember the many Halloween events that happen along Broadway during October. Traffic can be surprisingly dense these days, making us tardy for Mass or not attending at all.

The most important, long-lasting, and meaningful practice, despite all that is happening in our world and lives, is to instill a love for the Mass in your children is to love it yourself. If you sing the songs, pray the prayers, and listen to the readings, your children will notice and imitate you. The reason for our attendance at Mass? The Third Commandment says to make every Sunday holy. That means Sunday Mass is a minimum requirement. The more we do to make Sunday special, the better.

Our first Family Mass is being hosted by the Sixth Grade on Sunday, October 20 at 9:00 a.m. This is not a “kiddie Mass” with balloons. Rather it engages the whole family and helps us all, and in a special way the children, to experience the liturgy more enjoyably and engagingly. Religious Education students welcome the community, proclaim the Scripture readings, read the Prayer of the Faithful and the announcements, bring up the Offertory gifts, and assist in taking up the collections. And of course, we have our children as altar servers! Refreshments will be served immediately after in the Weaver Parish Hall. Bring the whole family, including grandparents, our greatest cheerleaders!

My apologies for the three-week absence from Livestream. (It had NOTHING to do with my article published in the September 22nd bulletin about returning to Mass). I am grateful to all those involved, especially Brian and Chris from Livestream for their invaluable information and support along with Jonathan Adair who assisted us. Our IT person and another gentleman FINALLY fixed the problem. Deo gratia!

On this Columbus Day Weekend, we conclude our series of “Mass on the Grass”. Join us for a cup of coffee and tea AFTER the 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Masses. It was an overall success. If you have any ideas on how we can make further improvements/enhancements in 2025, please email them to me your ideas.

Fr. Tim

The Word of God

Reading I: Wisdom 7: 7-11 Solomon prefers wisdom over power, riches, health, comeliness and light. As a result, wisdom came to him, and those others besides.

Reading II: Hebrews 4: 12-13 God’s Word challenges us to persevere because our attachment is to be to Jesus only and not to lesser realities.

The Gospel: Mark 10: 17-30, or 10: 17-27 Jesus teaches that wealth can be an obstacle to true discipleship. That path has rewards that outweigh the sacrifices it asks us to make. The rich man makes an unwise decision.


  • The Sick and the Homebound Parishioners
  • The Military Personnel and their families
  • An end to global wars and local unrest
  • Peace in our world.

News from the Health Awareness Ministry

As written in last month’s bulletin, the objective of this ministry is to provide brief health-related information to raise awareness of various health conditions, ranging from National Blood Donor Month in January to National Influenza Vaccination Week in December. Materials will be available at the back of the church or in the bulletins periodically. In addition, we are planning two annual events: a Blood Drive on October 19 and a Health Fair (Spring of 2025). We’ll keep you posted. If you are interested in joining this committee, especially Healthcare Professionals, please contact Susanne Ferrara Suzanne.ferrara@yahoo.com.

OCTOBER is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to NBCA, “In 2024, more than 360,000 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer. But there is hope. Advancements in early detection methods and support continue to increase the chances of survival. When caught in its earliest localized states, the 5-year survival rate of breast cancer is 99%.” Early detection increases the chances of survival. This organization encourages and supports education about the importance of early screenings, tests, and more. Formore information visit: nbcf.org, beastcancernow.org, and wearitpink.org. Pink is the color of support!

Parish Collections – Help Us Grow!

This month you will find an additional undated envelope labeled “Maintenance” in your September-October envelope packet. When the Parish had the “improvement fund” envelope in the past, the money was used to fund improvements to various components of the buildings and grounds and to fund items that might be needed to enhance the Religious Education program. It could also be used for upgrading holiday displays, replacing kitchen items, and other items that may not be able to be covered by the day- to-day expenses.

At the Parish Council Meeting in May, it was recommended by the chairs of the Finance Committee and Building and Grounds Committee, to re-instate the monthly “Maintenance Collection” at the beginning of a new fiscal year in September. I accepted their recommendation for the good of the parish. The Maintenance Collection is designed to subsidize the costs of basic repairs to our beautiful Church and its surrounding grounds (more on this in the September 8 bulletin). To date the COTM has spent $30,000 on various minor projects; one of which was repairing a leaky portion of the roof over the Religious Education Program’s annex to the Church.

Each month the Archdiocese has a Second Collection. In order not have multiple second collections each month, the date for this collection will fluxuate. We will communicate our established dates with DP Murphy, our envelope company. The first Maintenance Collection will be Sunday, September 15.


There are four (4) ways to reserve your masses/memorials:

By phone AFTER October 1 Please us the 2025 Mass Intention Form, which can be founding the back of the church or online. The form will provided you in advance as to ALL the protocols. The cost for masses and memorials remain the same, $15. IF YOU HAVE SPECIFIC DATES, RESERVE YOUR PAID MASSES ASAP!

• Come to the rectory during office hours
• By mail
• Drop off via the collection basket or mailbox