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Mass Intentions: Week of July 14th

DayTimeIntentionRequested ByLiving or Deceased
Saturday5:00 p.m.Feliz Mercadante
Marianne Malone
Louis and Maria Mercadante
The Malone Family
Sunday9:00 a.m.Grace Williams
Francis M. Mallee III
Her Family
Pat Keegan Ables
11:00 a.m.Beatrice Ellen JohnsFr. TimDeceased
Monday8:00 a.m.No Mass
Tuesday8:00 a.m.No Mass
Wednesday8:00 a.m.No Mass
Thursday8:00 a.m.No Mass
Friday8:00 a.m.No Mass
Saturday5:00 p.m.Tom Doyle
Eileen Proft
Patricia Doyle
Alison and Gary Proft
Sunday9:00 a.m.Michael and Carlotta Olivieri
Clark Douglass
The LiMarzi Family
His Family
11:00 a.m.For the ParishionersLiving


Income: $37,507.00
Expenses: $40,106.96
• Adults 1230
• Children 151

Week of July 14th

Dear Parishioners,

The Rivertown’s Clergy Association is a group of clergy leaders of different religious faiths who meet monthly for prayer and fellowship and positive interaction. In addition to this, we dialogue and coordinate events of common interest. We value, embrace, and respect all faith traditions. Since arriving here at The Magdalene, I have been a member and remain committed to ensuring a Catholic presence and voice are included.

On Tuesday, June 25, we gathered on the grounds of the Tarrytown Village Hall for our GATHER FOR PEACE. It was a time of prayer and unity as we called for peace throughout the world. It was nice to see a couple of parishioners. After our peaceful gathering, we had a takeaway offering simple ways to foster peace. I wish to share the 19 suggestions with you.


1. Simplify your life
2. Create a peaceful affirmation/mantra
3. Strengthen the good
4. Treat a friend to coffee/tea
5. Read books about peace and recommend them to others
6. Say, “Hello” and “Thank you”
7. Build a diverse coalition
8. Meditate/Reflect
9. Clarify your core values
10. Spend time in nature
11. Don’t engage in violence
12. Embrace the power of music and the arts
13. Express your thoughts with charity
14. Say you’re sorry when necessary
15. Forgive other
16. Volunteer
17. Speak in a positive tone
18. Participate in community events
19. Display peace signs

As we continue to celebrate our 130th Anniversary, the Magdalene will host his year’s Interfaith Thanksgiving Service on Tuesday, November 26 with a reception following in the Weaver Parish Hall.

Blessings! And remember to KTF (Keep the Faith)
Fr. Tim


Fr. Tim will be on vacation the Week of July 15th-July 19th. In lieu of Mass Intentions, the daily readings have been provided for your spiritual nourishment. The Church will remain open for private prayer with AC!

The Word of God

Reading I: Amos 7: 12-15 Amos denies being a member of the so-called “professional prophets” of his time who hired themselves out. His authentic prophetic activity is based on a choice of him made by Yahweh.

Reading II: Ephesians 1: 3-14, or 1: 3-10 The opening blessing flows into why we have been chosen by God for our mission. We are to be full of love and know that we are part of God’s master plan.

The Gospel: Mark 6: 7-13 The Twelve hear the message of Jesus and are sent forth to preach the Good News. His instructions are a checklist for missionaries that includes how to react to hospitality and its opposite.


Discussions are underway by the Parish Council for the celebration of our 130th Anniversary on Sunday, July 21st at the 11:00 a.m. Mass followed by a social. If you wish to serve on the Planning Committee or have any ideas, please contact Rebeca Ford at revarq@gmail.com

Please pray for the deceased, those who are ill and those who serve in our military.