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Mass Intentions: Week of January 4th

DayTimeIntentionRequested ByLiving or Deceased
Joanne Coza
Charles Horvath
The Family
The Haase Family
Sunday9:00 a.m.Edward Hornby
Donald J. Black
Jim and Linda Hornby
The Keegan Family
11:00 a.m.Joan Tighe and Lillian ConsavageKevin TigheDeceased
Monday8:00 a.m.Marion DuignanThe Duignan FamilyDeceased
Tuesday8:00 a.m.Ronald MattsonSteve ZachenskyDeceased
Wednesday9:00 a.m.For the ParishionersLiving
Thursday8:00 a.m.Dariel VasquezMaria A. PaeseDeceased
Friday8:00 a.m.Patty GallagherThe FamilyDeceased
Saturday5:00 p.m.Josephine Reynold
Susan Celona
The Tedesco FamilyDeceased
Sunday9:00 a.m.Archbishop Noel Treanor Kathleen HughesDeceased
11:00 a.m.Intentions for Dr. Ron Volino Vicki MooreLiving

Week of January 11th

Baptism Of The Lord

Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Even though it is an event that took place roughly 30 years after Jesus’ birth and the coming of the Magi, it is a feast that fits with the theme of Epiphany. It may be hard for us to understand why Jesus, the sinless one, came to John for a baptism of repentance. Because it is difficult to understand, various explanations have been offered as to why Jesus was baptized.

Early Church Fathers said Jesus went into the waters of the Jordan, not in order to be made holy, but to make the water holy so that all the waters of the world would become life giving through the sacrament of baptism.

Jesus’ baptism can be seen as his official inauguration as he begins the work of the Father has given him. “You are my Beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” (MK 1:11)

While the sacrament of baptism leaves a permanent mark on the soul, our need for cleansing is ongoing. We all sin and cause harm to ourselves and others. Today’s readings offer some keywords to guide us as we seek healing: tenderness, mercy, renewal in 2025.

The Word of God

Reading I: Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 The servant of God fulfills his mission quietly. He will have a gentle respect for others, and he will heal those who acknowledge their need for it.

Reading II: 1 Titus 2: 11-14; 3: 4-7 We as Christians are given help to live virtuously now and for the future through the power of Christ. He has saved us by the bath of rebirth.

The Gospel: Luke 3: 15-16, 21-22 After His baptism and while He was praying, heaven opened up. This followed John the Baptist’s preaching about the “mightier One” coming.

There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens. – Ecclesiastes 3:1

A time to Die: for our deceased family, friends, and parishioners, especially: Laurie Jean Cianflone, Msgr. Charles P. Coen, Rev. Christopher H. Daly, Fr. Andrew Thi, Fr. Jos. Kunduthikudy, Father Michael B. Dibble.
A time to Heal: Pray for those who are ill and suffering and for our brothers and sisters in Florida as they rebuild their lives.
A time for War: Pray for those in worn-torn countries.
A time for Peace: For those in the military who have died in the service of our country.