A letter from Father Tim
Dear Parishioner,
Greetings! “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 Whether you joined the Magdalene years ago or recently, each individual has been given a special talent to share with the world. I invite you to join a ministry or committee to share this talent with our parish. The giving of your time and talent is most appreciated.
Eucharistic Ministers serve as ministers in the celebration of the Eucharist by assisting the priests in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ. The ministers are trained in the rubrics of the Mass and are directed by the parish priests of any liturgical changes affecting the distribution of the Eucharist. “I have received from the Lord what I handed to you, namely what the Lord Jesus, on the night He was betrayed, took bread, and after He had given THANKS, broke it and said, “This is my Body, which is for you. Do this in REMEBRANCE of me.”
Contact: Phillip Zegarelli 914-631-8952
Lectors proclaim the Word of God through study, prayer, and practice. Others can only hear the voice of God at Mass if the ministry is proclaimed well. Lectors will be provided with a workbook containing all Sunday Mass readings for the liturgical year. In addition to the above, Lectors also read the Prayers of the faithful and announcements. “My sheep hears my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and the follow me.”
Contact: Keith Eldredge keith.eldredge@gmail.com
Cantors lead the liturgical singing at the 5pm, 9am and 11am Mass on the weekends plus occasional services such as lessons and carols, Christmas and holy week. The music is drawn from choral anthems, motets, hymns, and chants appropriate for the Liturgy. Prior cantor experience is a plus but not required. “Those who sing, pray twice.”
Contact: John Dominick III jdsingslow@icloud.com
Ushers are ministers of Hospitality who serve a very important function at all our parish services and liturgies. The member’s role is to greet, welcome, and provide for the comfort and well-being of all who enter our church. They take up the weekly collection, and in general cast a watchful eye on many of the details that enhance the sanctity of the particular service. All one needs is a willingness to join and a brief training session. “Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house.”
Contact: John Petry 914-631-0113 or Mark Lalloo 914-843-6870
Catechists are people of faith who lead others in understanding the faith and spreading the message of Christ. The primary goal of a catechist is to model God’s love to others through worship, symbols, and practices. As a result, the primary requisite of a catechist is a love for God and a love for children. The catechist passes on to students values that are Catholic and Christian. “Go, therefore, and make disciples…”
Contact Ed Escobar Ed. D reledmagdalene@gmail.com
Children’s Choir is open to all children in grades 3 through 8. Rehearsals are scheduled by grade during Religious education classes on Tuesdays. Students will be encouraged to sing at Mass as well as at our Christmas pageant. In addition to using their voices, students will also be encouraged to play their musical instruments. All are welcome to join us. For more information contact reledmagdalene@gmail.com or John Dominick at jdsingslow@icloud.com
Altar Guild Committee
The Altar Guild is a ministry devoted to maintaining the beauty and sacredness of the church. This includes ordering and upkeep of flowers for the altar, altar linen care and collaboration with Fr. Tim concerning planning and decorating for major holidays and events.
Contact: Lori Antonecchia LoriA66@outlook.com
Bible Study Prayer Groups
There are two Bible Study opportunities for women of the Magdalene. One meets on alternate Mondays, 1:00 – 2:30 pm and is guided by Sr. Claudette LaVerdiere, who has taught Scripture to Seminarians. A second group meets Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm to discuss a weekly lesson. Each group meets in the Weaver Parish Hall.
Contact: Anne Kenny amobk@oponline.net
Brown Bag Sunday
Committee Brown Bag Sunday ministry was formed to aid the families of our community who face food insecurity. Through our partnership with the Community Food Pantry of Sleepy Hollow/Tarrytown the ministry will collect groceries and monetary donations from our parishioners which, in turn, enables the pantry distribute healthy meals to over 400 families and home-bound seniors who are in need of assistance. Volunteers help by collecting and sorting the grocery/donation bags after Mass on the fourth Saturday/Sunday of each month.
Contact: Eileen Farrell rjfarrell@oponline.net
Building and Grounds Committee
The building and grounds committee is a group of parishioners who assist Father in taking care of the physical plant of the Magdalene. We address any issues that come up and we can handle with our own skills. Should a larger project come forward we will develop plans and solicit bids to present to Father and the Council and Finance Committee.
Contact: Frank O’Donovan 914-347-9005
Rosary Prayer Groups
The rosary is said after 8 AM weekday Masses. Also during Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on the First Friday of every month. During the months of May and October, the rosary will be said before the 9 AM Mass. All are invited to pray; America needs our Blessed Mother.
Contact: Rosemarie McManus roe.roemcmanus@gmail.com
Healthcare Awareness Committee
The objective of the Healthcare Awareness Ministry is to provide a general understanding of health, healthcare and its services, health needs, diseases, and preventive measures. This Ministry will: 1) Plan and coordinate events that identify the needs of the community at large. 2) Collaborate with community-based organizations and resources that serve and promote physical, mental, and spiritual health. 3) Educate by providing monthly materials to raise awareness on various health issues. If interested, contact Suzanne Ferrara, RN (chair). We welcome everyone to serve on this committee, particularly those in the healthcare profession.
Contact: Suzanne Ferrara suzanne.ferrara@yahoo.com
Social Justice Committee
The Social Justice Committee is inspired by the 7 Principles of catholic Social teaching. 1. Life and Dignity of the Human Person (foundation of the Catholic moral vision), 2. Call to family, Community and Participation (participation in seeking well-being of all, especially the poor and vulnerable), 3. Rights and responsibilities (to one another, family, larger society), 4. Option for the Poor and vulnerable (putting needs of the poor and vulnerable first), 5. Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers (productive work, fair wages, economic initiatives), 6. Solidarity (pursuit of justice and peace for all), 7. Care for God’s creation (u).
Contact: Cynthia Eldridge ccn14@yahoo.com
God bless,
Fr. Tim